Tuesday, 1 February 2011

10 Just-because things to do in February

1. StarT a trend!

2. Watch an entIRE box set in oNe siTting

3. BoBBle hat it UP

4. CatCH a snowflake* on my tounge
(*Make sure it is a snowflake and not something icky)

5. Get aN early night

6. Take mY favourite person oUT for CaKe

7. Send at lEAst one Valentine's Card (even better, send loads)

8. Stroke sOFt things*(*AlWAys ask permISsion)

9. Draw on SteAmy windOWs

10. Be Lovely

AND beCause I waS naUghTy and didn't fulfIll mY qoUta of lovliness LaSt month I am roLLing oVer These:

3. Be zEn

4. StaRT my beSt-seLLing noVel!

I'm planning on working on one of these today...oooh!

1 comment:

  1. Which one are you starting today? ;-) as you wrote this at 00:11 I guess it wasn't 'get an early night' haha!

