Sunday, 6 February 2011

Bake a Cake Friday

The Friday just gone, according to my diary, was bake a cake Friday!

(DonT worRy if yOu didn'T kNow thIs...It jUst mEans you wont KNOW about PoweR baLLad day...or MeeT someone new day...or...How aBout I juSt kEep you posTED?)

And anyhoos...You rEally Cant NoT bake a Cake on BaKe a CakE Friday!....RigHt?

Luckily...I donT wOrk in An OffIce...So BetWeen 15 Babies and 5 StafF we Made 36 Loverly Flufferly FaiRYly Cakes!...

TheY were yUmmy!

I Had two.....and a cookie.....


TheRe's lotS of ChangineSS and ExcItingNess GoiNg On Back Here! I'Ll keEp yOu Posted :-D

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

CroSs off No.7 ;-)

7. Send at lEAst one Valentine's Card (even better, send loads)

I am fEEling TOTALLY loved up. I haVe fAr toooooooo many people that I loVe to be able to afford to senD one eAch..buT it cOUld be YoooOu that recieVes a MessAge fUll of TeaRs and I LovE you's ;-)

HapPy FebruaRy!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

10 Just-because things to do in February

1. StarT a trend!

2. Watch an entIRE box set in oNe siTting

3. BoBBle hat it UP

4. CatCH a snowflake* on my tounge
(*Make sure it is a snowflake and not something icky)

5. Get aN early night

6. Take mY favourite person oUT for CaKe

7. Send at lEAst one Valentine's Card (even better, send loads)

8. Stroke sOFt things*(*AlWAys ask permISsion)

9. Draw on SteAmy windOWs

10. Be Lovely

AND beCause I waS naUghTy and didn't fulfIll mY qoUta of lovliness LaSt month I am roLLing oVer These:

3. Be zEn

4. StaRT my beSt-seLLing noVel!

I'm planning on working on one of these today...oooh!